Tanner’s Tips comprises of a father and daughter team, an unstoppable duo fighting apathy in the world of finance.
Every week we are going to offer a segment of advice on this page. This will be posted every Wednesday afternoon. We are really aiming at keeping you informed and helping you to make better decisions with your finances. Here is just a little introduction of what we will be discussing over the coming weeks:
Whether you are self-employed, an employee, or unemployed everyone has a certain amount of money available every month – a budget. What do you achieve with this budget? Is there a surplus every month? How could this surplus work for you? When you retire, will you have enough provisions made to cover your monthly expenditure? If something unexpected happens, are you prepared financially to cover this? Maybe you have a goal in mind, something to save towards?
It is important to ensure that you are utilising your budget to its maximum and that you are financially prepared to deal with any situation that may arise. These are the situations which we will be covering in the next few weeks. We hope that you find some benefit to this and stick around on this journey with us each week!
We will cover these in more detail in future posts. If there is anything in particular you would like to hear about, please let us know.