Estate planning
We recently spoke to a client about estate planning. Our client responded that they didn’t plan on having anything left by the time they die. When we questioned how they knew when they were going to die there was an awkward silence. The reality of it is, we all like to think of our death […]
Warren Buffet – Investment Masterclass
Warren Buffet is a very wise man in investing, and is always willing to share his vast knowledge on the subject. Below I have gathered some of his most important pieces of wisdom. Time is Key Of course, this isn’t the first time you have heard me harping on about the importance of time when […]
What Income Protection is, and what it isn’t
Sometimes, when speaking to clients it is evident that not everyone completely understands what income protection is. Of course, we always recommend speaking to your financial adviser when trying to decide if a financial product is suitable for you or not. We will give a brief overview all about income protection here. What income protection […]
Corporate Clients
One of our clients, a limited company, had a lot of capital on deposit in 2019. After much consideration and discussions with them, they agreed to invest a portion of this capital into a product suitable for them. In June 2019, this company invested €100,000. In July 2021, this investment was valued at €120,633 gross […]
Three pieces of financial advise you probably don’t want to hear
We could nearly apply all three pieces of advice here to every client that walks through the door. The problem is, nobody wants to hear it! 1. You are not saving enough money We can always save more, the problem is we fill our lives with wants and we struggle to cut down on these […]
Good Financial Habits
It all comes down to good financial habits. If you have poor spending and savings habits, the likelihood of you reaching your financial goals diminish. So what habits should you adopt in order to give yourself the best chance? Think long term, as well as short term When thinking about what you want, avoid the […]